Monday, August 10, 2009

Miles for Marley is open.....kind of

Hey guys, just wanted to drop a quick line and say that we've got our first item available in our new Etsy store. The "my heart's in Ethiopia" line is now available. I know it's only one item but hey, it's a start! Check back often, more items are on the way including custom swarovski crystal bracelets and beanies.

As for adoption news, no referrals but I did notice that the Hoaglands FINALLY passed court today and will be traveling to Addis in September to pick up their baby girl. Congrats guys!!! I'm not for sure if all of the families that were effected by the abandonment issues have now successfully passed court but I do know that a majority of them have. This is great news. Now, more referrals!!!


Missy said...

There's a few more families with court next week. Hoping they ALL pass !!!! Now, for those referrals!! My little one will be lonely if we don't get some more kiddos to the HOH after all these little ones leave!!!

Brooke said...

That's so cute! I look forward to checking out your esty store soon!

Tegan, Gregory and Maiya said...

As much as I love your current wallpaper.......

Kris, Staci, & Marley said...

is that a hint? lol


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