No this isn't our OFFICIAL "And we're off" post. Not yet anyways! Hopefully that one will come within the next 3 or 4 months however. We are headed to Mexico for some much needed r&r! The cell phone, camera, & camcorder are all packed just in case we get a nice, little phone call while we're away (if you know what I mean) :) It's going to be soooo nice to get away and clear out the cobwebs that come with this whole adoption journey. We are sooooo close yet the end result seems so so far away. Perhaps waiting for a year on the Vietnam wait list only to have it close down will do that to a person. It's almost like the reality of it all hasn't sunk in yet. In fact, I don't think it will until we actually get THE call.
On the adoption front, the courts officially closed the 21st of August and will remain so until late September/early October. Supposedly, the court closure will have no effect on referrals. Congrats to all those families that got their court cases heard before the closure. For those that didn't, hang in there. You're day will come! It's been a long 3 or 4 weeks since our last set of referrals. So long that I can't really remember how long it's been right off the top of my head (haha). Perhaps this is the week they start rolling in again! We're desperately hoping that we'll be home in time for Christmas with Marley.
A quick little update on Miles for Marley: A few of the beanies are ready to be posted to our Etsy store. We just need to take some pictures. We were going to get our little cousin Abby and our niece & nephew, Jenna & Jarret to model but that didn't go as planned. Stay tuned as we'll be posting these next week. We'll also be taking special orders for colors and sizes not listed in our etsy store.