Hey guys, just wanted to give a quick update in case anyone is still reading this blog. I have surpassed my original goal of $1310 and the race isn't until October. So now what? I raised it! I'm now gunning for $3k! All it takes is $50 to change 1 persons life forever by providing them with a source of clean, fresh water. Thanks for your support! http://www.teamworldvision.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donordrive.participant&participantID=56295
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Is there anybody out there?
Hello all! Wow, 4 years since our last update. Looks like we're still getting a few hits on here every once in awhile. Let me give you the quick rundown on what's happened over the last 4 years. First of all, we pulled out of the Ethiopia adoption program @ Children's Hope amid all the international adoption turmoil that has occurred and all the bureaucracy (some warranted) that has clogged the international adoption pipelines for potential adopting parents...Let's just say I'm amazed that governments would rather have children languishing in orphanages instead of going to loving homes. Top that with the fact that the State of Missouri has since decided to not consider international adoption as "Special Needs" thus taking away the state tax credits that families used to be eligible for. Good Lord, I could go on and on but I digress...
We are doing great! Marley is currently in Kindergarten and loving it. She's a very smart little gal (if you don't believe me just ask her, she'll tell you). Have I mentioned her sass? Good grief! She's 6 going on 16. Can't wait for those teenage years! She's currently in dance, soccer and t-ball. She's also my biggest cheerleader at my races. I can't imagine life without her.
Our family is doing great! I started running in January of 2013 and am currently down 120lbs. I ran my first full marathon in 2014 and a bunch of 1/2 marathons in between. I'm currently down almost 120 lbs and feeling awesome! This brings me to my main purpose of this post in an effort to reach those with a heart for Africa. I am running my 2nd full marathon this October @ the KC Marathon. This time I have decided to join Team World Vision and run for a great cause. Every member of Team World Vision has a goal of raising $1310 for clean water in Africa. Your $50 donation will provide fresh water to 1 person in Africa. $1310 divided by $50 = 26.2, that means for every mile I run this October, 1 person will get access to lifesaving fresh water. Did you know that the average person in Africa has to walk 6 kilometers for fresh water every day? Did you know that 1,000 children under the age of 5 die EVERY DAY because of diarrhea caused by the consumption of dirty water? All of this for a commodity you and I take for granted every day.
If you feel led to give to this great cause you can do so at my World Vision fundraising page: http://www.teamworldvision.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donordrive.participant&participantID=56295
Thank you for joining me on this awesome journey and God bless!
We are doing great! Marley is currently in Kindergarten and loving it. She's a very smart little gal (if you don't believe me just ask her, she'll tell you). Have I mentioned her sass? Good grief! She's 6 going on 16. Can't wait for those teenage years! She's currently in dance, soccer and t-ball. She's also my biggest cheerleader at my races. I can't imagine life without her.
Our family is doing great! I started running in January of 2013 and am currently down 120lbs. I ran my first full marathon in 2014 and a bunch of 1/2 marathons in between. I'm currently down almost 120 lbs and feeling awesome! This brings me to my main purpose of this post in an effort to reach those with a heart for Africa. I am running my 2nd full marathon this October @ the KC Marathon. This time I have decided to join Team World Vision and run for a great cause. Every member of Team World Vision has a goal of raising $1310 for clean water in Africa. Your $50 donation will provide fresh water to 1 person in Africa. $1310 divided by $50 = 26.2, that means for every mile I run this October, 1 person will get access to lifesaving fresh water. Did you know that the average person in Africa has to walk 6 kilometers for fresh water every day? Did you know that 1,000 children under the age of 5 die EVERY DAY because of diarrhea caused by the consumption of dirty water? All of this for a commodity you and I take for granted every day.
If you feel led to give to this great cause you can do so at my World Vision fundraising page: http://www.teamworldvision.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donordrive.participant&participantID=56295
Thank you for joining me on this awesome journey and God bless!
Friday, March 9, 2012
I can't believe it's been 2 years since we first got to hold our precious Marley. We are truely blessed to have such a wonderful daughter. She continues to amaze us every day. We love you Marley!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Please take 27 minutes and watch this video. Please repost on your blogs, facebook/twitter walls. Spread the word!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Man Up and Go
This movie looks awesome! Can't wait to see it. Really hits home for us Ethiopia AP's.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
More to come soon...
Not for sure that we still have readers out there but if we do, just wanted to drop a line and say that we are sorry we haven't posted in so long. To be honest, we've just been so busy but not only that, we've been on the fence about our 2 adoption. For awhile there seemed to be a little uncertainty in the program and we weren't sure if this was our true calling or not. Well after a lot of soul searching it turns out...IT IS! We are getting ready to bear down and start the paper chase all over again! Until I get back with a more detailed update, I've given the old blog a minor facelift and added a few new photos. Promise to update real soon this time!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Yet another long, overdue update...
Long time no blog huh? It's been a really busy Spring so far and blogging time has really been at a premium if you know what I mean. Not a whole lot to report on our new adoption journey. We're still in the early, early stages of the process. We've just been so busy dealing with the wonderful IRS and the new tax credit. As if the government doesn't make the adoption process difficult enough, we have to go back and have copies made of every single adoption-related check we've written since 2007. Fun, Fun! Anyway, that's where we now stand. So without further adieu, here's a little glimpse of what the Hansel's have been up to the last few months.

We decided there was room for one more!
There have been lots of birthday parties...
...and lot's of opportunities to learn that not all b-day gifts are ours :)
We've started experimenting with puffs more....
...and more
We've also been introduced to Bubba and 'Nunna's Gator!
We've discovered the wonderful world of s'mores...
...and discoverd our "cool" side as well :)
Had the best Easter ever...
...and hunted Easter eggs...
...till we dropped.
We got our first Toms...
...and went to the zoo...
...even rode our first choo-choo!
It's been an awesome Spring. Life is definitely good and we are very blessed to share it with Marley! Will try to post some updates a little more often from now on.
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